To get a taxi you can call 050/541600, send a message via SMS, Whatsapp and Telegram indicating the date, time, any features of the car and the full address of the City, or finally via app Taxi Move.

Please note that for requests coming from the urban area there are average arrival times of 3-7 minutes.
Requests from neighboring towns and villages (Tirrenia, San Giuliano Terme, Cascina,.....) where the taxi service is not exercised, will be met in times slightly higher, average between 10 and 15 minutes.
The Co.ta.Pi. offers 24-hour taxi service by car park equipped with the most modern features: air conditioning, MPV 5-6 seats, station wagon and, with cars equipped with POS for payment with all credit cards.

Co.ta.Pi. informs that the booking service is made from 04:00 to 18:00, and guarantees only the insertion of the call on behalf of the customer in the radio-taxi system a few minutes before the time when transport is requested. Therefore, the race will only take place according to the availability of cars at the time of the call, without any guarantee of the execution of the same. The Cooperative declines any responsibility in case of delays or lack of available cars.

It is possible to book a taxi for minimum 30 minutes after request and maximum 2 days before.